refereed journal publications
23. wang, y., liu, s., xiao, q. (2024 ). construction of orthogonal-maxpro latin hypercube designs. journal of quality technology, accepted.
22. jiang, b., wang, y., sun, f. (2024 ). on construction of strong orthogonal arrays and column-orthogonal strong orthogonal arrays of strength two plus. science china-mathematics, accepted.
21. zhang, x., wang, y., sun, f. (2024 ). theory and applications of space-filling pattern and projection pattern. metrika, accepted.
20. xiao, q., wang, y., mandal, a., deng, x. (2024). modeling and active learning for experiments with quantitative-sequence factors. journal of the american statistical association, 119, 407-421.
19. liu, s., wang, y.* (2024). new bounds and search for maximin distance u-type designs. stat, 13, e650.
18. yu, j., meng, x., wang, y.* (2023). optimal designs for semi-parametric dose-response models under random contamination. computational statistics & data analysis, 178, 107615.
17. wang, y., sun, f. (2023). on the maximin distance properties of orthogonal designs via the rotation. science china-mathematics, 66, 1593-1608.
16. liu, s., wang, y., sun, f. (2023). two-dimensional projection uniformity for space-filling designs. canadian journal of statistics, 53, 293-311.
15. jiang, b., wang, f., wang, y.* (2022). construction of uniform mixed-level designs through level permutations. metrika, 85, 753-770.
14. jiang, b., wang, y., ai, m. (2022). search for minimum aberration designs with uniformity. annals of the institute of statistical mathematics, 74, 271-287.
13. wang, y., sun, f., xu, h. (2022). on design orthogonality, maximin distance and projection uniformity for computer experiments. journal of the american statistical association, 117, 375-385.
12. pang, s., wang, y.*, ai, m. (2022). construction of orthogonal arrays without interaction columns. acta mathematicae applicatae sinica, english series, 38, 159-168.
11. wang, y., liu, s., lin, d. k. j. (2022). on definitive screening designs using paley's conference matrices. statistics & probability letters, 181, 109267.
10. wang, y., wang, f., yuan, y., xiao, q. (2021). connecting u-type designs before and after level permutations and expansions, journal of statistical theory and practice, 15:81.
9. wang, y., peng, z., zhang, r., xiao, q. (2021). robust sequential design for piecewise-stationary multi-armed bandit problem in the presence of outliers. statistical theory and related fields, 5, 122-133.
8. jiang, b., wang, z., wang, y.* (2021). strong orthogonal arrays of strength two-plus based on the addelman-kempthorne method. statistics & probability letters, 175, 109114.
7. su, z., wang, y.*, zhou, y. (2020). on maximin distance and nearly orthogonal latin hypercube designs. statistics & probability letters, 166, 108878.
6. sun, f., wang, y., xu, h. (2019). uniform projection designs. annals of statistics, 47, 641-661.
5. wang, y., yang j., xu, h. (2018). on the connection between maximin distance designs and orthogonal designs. biometrika, 105, 471-477.
4. yu, j., ai, m., wang, y. (2018). optimal designs for linear models with fredholm-type errors. journal of statistical planning and inference, 194, 65-74.
3. wang, y., ai, m. (2017). definitive screening designs with extreme numbers of level changes. statistics & probability letters, 131, 13-18.
2. wang, y., ai, m. (2016). optimal designs for multiple treatments with unequal variances. journal of statistical planning and inference, 171, 175-183.
1. wang, y., ai, m., li, k. (2016). optimality of pairwise blocked definitive screening designs. annals of the institute of statistical mathematics, 68, 659-671.