(1) jun cai#, ying wang*, tiantian mao, tail subadditivity of distortion risk measures and multivariate tail distortion risk measures, insurance: mathematics and economics, 2017, 75:105-116. (corresponding author)
(2) ying wang,review on capital allocation principles. soa cae research report. 2017.
(3) ying wang,reinsurance framework--regulations, products and strategies. soa cae research report. 2017.
(4) ying wang,risk measures and robustness. soa cae research report. 2017.
(5) jun cai#, ying wang*, reinsurance premium principles based on weighted loss functions, scandinavian actuarial journal,2019: 10, 903-923. (corresponding author)
(6) jun cai#, ying wang*, optimal capital allocation principles considering capital shortfall and surplus risks in a hierarchical corporate structure, insurance: mathematics and economics, 2021:100, 329-349. (corresponding author)
(7) chixu ni, ying wang*, mengya zhan, core inflation risk measures and numerical evidence based on chinese dataset. (corresponding author, submitted)
(8) jun cai, huameng jia, ying wang*. a unified approach for determining optimal aggregate capital requirement and optimal allocation principles. (corresponding author)
(9) xiaomin liu, junna bi, ying wang*, tianrui zheng. application of machine learning to individual claim risk classification in life insurance. (corresponding author, submitted)
(10) jun cai, ying wang. (2023 ) risk measures based on generalized weighted loss functions.
(11) 王莹, 石子瑜. 海内外精算学专业本科教育的比较研究及人才优化培养机制构想.