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    • 毕业院校: 天津大学
    • 学位: 博士
    • 学历: 博士研究生
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    1. insurance: mathematics and economics、journal of computational and applied mathematics、journal of industrial and management optimization, journal of applied mathematics and computing、communications in statistics-theory and methods、 asia pacific management review等杂志匿名审稿人

    2. mathematical reviews评论员

    3. 中国优选法统筹法与经济数学研究会量化金融与保险分会副秘书长、中国运筹学会金融工程与金融风险管理分会理事、上海工业与应用数学学会理事












    1. 国家自然科学基金/面上项目,“基于气候风险和社会责任系统分析的养老金最优投资策略研究”.

    2. 国家自然科学基金/青年科学基金项目,“模糊厌恶情景下养老基金最优集中化和分散化投资策略研究”.

    3. 上海市教委晨光计划项目, “基于背景风险和风险约束的养老基金投资策略研究”.

    4. 华东师范大学2019年度人文社会科学海外发文项目, “基于随机微分博弈的保险市场竞争保费问题研究”.



    1. lv chen, danping li*, yumin wang, xiaobai zhu (2024). optimal vix-linked structure for the target benefit pension plan. astin bulletin, 54, 75-93.

    2. xia han, david landriault, danping li* (2024). optimal reinsurance contract in a stackelberg game framework: a view of social planner. scandinavian actuarial journal, 2024(2), 124-148. 

    3. danping li, lv chen*, linyi qian, wei wang (2024). equilibrium reinsurance strategy and mean residual life function. acta mathematicae applicatae sinica, 40(3), 758-777.

    4. zhou yang, danping li*, yan zeng, guanting liu (2024). optimal investment strategy for α-robust utility maximization problem. mathematics of operations research, publish online.

    5. xia han, danping li*, yu yuan (2024). robust reinsurance contract and investment with delay under mean-variance framework. communications in statistics-theory and methodspublish online.



    1. lv chen, danping li*, yumin wang, xiaobai zhu (2023). the optimal cyclical design for a target benefit pension plan. journal of pension economics and finance, 22(3), 284-303.

    2. lin xie, lv chen, linyi qian, danping li*, zhixin yang (2023). optimal investment and consumption strategies for pooled annuity with partial information. insurance: mathematics and economics, 108, 129-155.

    3. junna bi, danping li* (2023). behavioral mean-risk portfolio selection in continuous time via quantile. communications in statistics-theory and methods, 52(14), 4904-4933. 

    4. danping li, virginia r. young* (2022). stackelberg differential game for reinsurance: mean-variance framework and random horizon. insurance: mathematics and economics, 102, 42-55.

    5. junna bi, danping li*, nan zhang (2022). equilibrium reinsurance-investment strategy with a common shock under two kinds of premium principles. rairo operations research, 56, 1-22.

    6. danping li*, xiaotao liu, hailong liu (2022). optimal investment strategy for a family with a random household expenditure under the cev model. communications in statistics-theory and methods, 51(17), 5993-6007.

    7. danping li, ximin rong, hui zhao, yajie wang* (2022). equilibrium excess-of-loss reinsurance and investment strategies for an insurer and a reinsurercommunications in statistics-theory and methods, 51(21), 7496-7527.

    8. haixiang yao, danping li, huiling wu* (2022). dynamic trading with uncertain exit time and transaction costs in a general markov market. international review of financial analysis, 84, 102371

    9. 李丹萍, 夏佳怡, 钱林义*, 罗勉 (2022). 跨代连结型长期护理保险最优决策研究. 保险研究, (5), 48-63.

    10. 李丹萍, 林玉容, 曾燕* (2021). 随机利率与随机波动率模型下保险公司的均衡再保险-投资策略. 计量经济学报, 1(4), 904-920.

    11. lv chen, david landriault, bin li, danping li* (2021). optimal dynamic risk sharing under the time-consistent mean-variance criterion. mathematical finance31(2), 649-682.

    12. danping li, virginia r. young* (2021). bowley solution of a mean-variance game in insurance. insurance: mathematics and economics98, 35-43.

    13. danping li*, bin li, yang shen (2021). a stochastic differential game for insurance market with competitive premium. journal of computational and applied mathematics, 389, 113349.

    14. danping li, junna bi*, mengcong hu (2021). alpha-robust mean-variance investment strategy for dc pension plan with uncertainty about jump-diffusion risk. rairo operations research, 55, s2983-s2997.

    15. yajie wang, ximin rong, hui zhao, danping li* (2021). optimal investment problem between two insurers with value-added service. communications in statistics-theory and methods, 50(8), 1781-1806.

    16. danping li, yongzeng lai, lin li* (2020). optimal asset allocation with heterogeneous discounting and stochasticincome under cev model. journal of the operational research society, 71(12), 2013-2026.

    17. ling zhang, danping li*, yongzeng lai (2020). equilibrium investment strategy for a defined contribution pension plan under stochastic interest rate and stochasticvolatility, journal of computational and applied mathematics, 368, 112536.

    18. danping li, virginia r. young* (2019). optimal reinsurance to minimize the discounted probability of ruin under ambiguityinsurance: mathematics and economics, 87, 143-152.


    1. danping li, yan zeng*, yang shen (2018). dynamic derivative-based investment strategy for mean–variance asset–liability management with stochastic volatility. insurance: mathematics and economics, 78, 72-86.

    2. danping li, yan zeng*, hailiang yang (2018). robust optimal excess-of-loss reinsurance and investment strategy for an insurer in a model with jumps. scandinavian actuarial journal, 2018(2), 145-171.

    3. yan zeng, danping li* zheng chen, zhou yang (2018). ambiguity aversion and optimal derivative-based pension investment with stochastic income and volatility. journal of economic dynamics and control, 88, 70-103.

    4. david landriault, bin li, danping li, virginia r. young* (2018). equilibrium strategies for the mean-variance investment problem over a random horizon. siam journal of financial mathematics, 9(3), 1046-1073.

    5. danping li, dongchen li, virginia r. young* (2017). optimality of excess-loss reinsurance under a mean-variance criterion. insurance: mathematics and economics, 75, 82-89.

    6. danping li, ximin rong, hui zhao, bo yi* (2017). equilibrium investment strategy for dc pension plan with default risk and return of premiums clauses under cev model. insurance: mathematics and economics, 72, 6-20.

    7. danping li, ximin rong, hui zhao* (2017). equilibrium excess-of-loss reinsurance -investment strategy for a mean-variance insurer under stochastic volatility model. communications in statistics-theory and methods, 46(19), 9459-9475.

    8. bin li, danping li*, dewen xiong (2016). alpha-robust mean -variance reinsurance-investment strategy. journal of economic dynamics and control, 70, 101-123.

    9. david landriault, bin li, danping li*, dongchen li (2016). a pair of optimal reinsurance-investment strategies in the two-sided exit framework. insurance: mathematics and economics, 71, 284-294.

    10.yan zeng, danping li*, ailing gu (2016). robust equilibrium reinsurance-investment strategy for a mean-variance insurer in a model with jumps. insurance: mathematics and economics, 66, 138-152.

    11.danping li, ximin rong, hui zhao* (2016). the optimal investment problem for an insurer and a reinsurer under the constant elasticity of variance model.ima journal of management mathematics, 27(2), 255-280.

    12.danping li, ximin rong, hui zhao* (2016). optimal reinsurance and investment problem for an insurer and a reinsurer with jump-diffusion risk process under the heston model. computational and applied mathematics, 35(2), 533-557.

    13.danping li, ximin rong, hui zhao* (2016). time-consistent investment strategy for dc pension plan with stochastic salary under cev model. journal of systems science and complexity, 29(2), 428-454.

    14.danping li, ximin rong, hui zhao* (2015). time-consistent reinsurance-investment strategy for a mean-variance insurer under stochastic interest rate model and inflation risk. insurance: mathematics and economics, 64, 28-44.

    15.danping li, ximin rong, hui zhao* (2015). time-consistent reinsurance-investment strategy for an insurer and a reinsurer with mean-variance criterion under the cev model. journal of computational and applied mathematics, 283, 142-162.

    16.danping li, ximin rong, hui zhao* (2015). stochastic differential game formulation on the reinsurance and investment problem. international journal of control, 88, 1861-1877.

    17.danping li*, ximin rong, hui zhao (2015). optimal investment problem for an insurer and a reinsurer. journal of systems science and complexity, 28(6), 1326-1343.






